Having grown in Switzerland close to both YWAM and L’Abri, geographically and spiritually, this Conversation stroke several strings! M

atthew Taylor’s analysis is quite enlightening as to the roots of what we are witnessing, in part thanks to the merging of transnational charismatic movement and right conservatism …

You are right to say that main stream media miss somme ot the key elements required to analyze the deeper ties between religion and politics as displayed in the Trump electorate…

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Sobering conversation but so necessary. It’s gonna take a minute to absorb this. Having grown up in a Baptist version of fundamentalism but only looking in from the outside since the late 70s, I’ve seen this moment coming for 25 or 30 years and it’s close to terrifying. Dr Taylor has an excellent grasp on what has/is happening. Like I said it’s going to take a bit to process now that it’s all been set out so clearly in front of me. Mind blown to tell you the truth but thanks for bringing it to us.

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Amazing conversation, thank you!

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Grateful for this overview (my history, too, in 60s+70s before moving to Europe). So glad both of you are bringing this 'power web' to wider attention. 'No checks and balances' - that's terrifying.

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He’s well knowledgeable in his field. Good to be aware of that- but I sure do not agree with him. Liz cooper

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