I don't know who Mr Schaeffer knows but the Democrats I know are working people themselves, living on a shoestring, trying to get their kids through school, hanging onto the house if there is one and treasuring the most stability they can muster. We try to help each other out and lift up those in need. Nobody is arrogant or patronizing nor are we elitist. You are way off. We are fixin' to be terribly hurt in the coming four years and are looking for authenticity in our leaders. You are misplacing the blame.

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I completely agree with you Ursi, and what Frank leaves out is the grotesque amount of misogyny, bigotry, and hatred in this country, which has been fueled by Trump. It is not all about the so-called “elites“ looking down on other people; it’s about a class of people who have little or no respect for people of color, women, and others who don’t fit into their view of the world. People have literally been brainwashed by mostly white privileged men that people of color, LGBTQ people and others are somehow going to destroy their way of life. People have been misled by total nonsense. As a democrat who treats everyone with respect, I am mighty tired of people blaming these mysterious “elitists” for bringing us to this point. We are here because too many white Americans simply could not bring themselves to vote for a woman of color, who would’ve been a far better president by any stretch of the imagination.

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You are delusional

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It’s been nice knowing you, Sean. I love the blocking feature. Whenever I see a response like this, I know the individual is too stupid or confused to actually give a respectable reply.

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Take a moment and expand. I suspect you thought that school was a complete waste of time, when you were asked to give your reasons for an opinion. An uneducated butt-head like Trump has given you permission to label and opine without explanation. That's pretty much what has this country in its current state.

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Kamala Harris put thousands of people of color in prison and that’s part of the reason many people of color didn’t vote for her. “White men” haven’t “brainwashed” people against “LGBTQ people”, mostly they don’t give a damn. But women who don’t want male sex criminals put in women’s prisons, or to see male sports cheats allowed to steal medals from girls and women, couldn’t vote for Harris, who has supported policies promoting these things. Black men and women who saw “Black Lives Matter™” burn down Black-owned businesses, and use the names of Black victims of police violence to take money that the families of those victims would never see, hear “Black Trans Lives Matter” and understand “they’re castrating our boys and sterilizing our daughters again”, they couldn’t vote for Harris.

You imagine you know what motivates other people, but when they tell you, you refuse to listen. You presume to better know what’s good for other people than they do, and never consider the possibility that people have rejected your position because your position ignores their reality and causes them harm.

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I’m sorry you think you’re the smartest person in the room, but believe me you’re not. I have no problem with your disagreeing with my opinion, as I fiercely disagree with yours. You are also somewhat delusional in that a few of your statements in here are completely off the wall. Facts: 90% of black women who voted and 80% of black men who voted cast their votes for Kamala Harris. You could look it up if you have enough intelligence to do that. And your transphobic, homophobic bullshit is showing. Now go have a nice day and leave me alone because you’re going to be blocked, and I will not see any more of your bigoted responses.

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u r a classic propagandist agitator. bahbye!

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Diversity is about tolerance and variety of perspectives, and outcomes are generally better when more perspectives are considered. That is what democracy is all about. It’s about diverse perspectives sharing their positions and discourse and coming to a solution that is acceptable to all. Our politics has become less and less collaborative and subject to a refusal to give the other side any shred of “win” to take to their constituents. This has been spearheaded by the extreme right, and since their numbers have suffered to the point of an inability to win popular votes, THEY have chosen these issues that impact such a small percentage of Americans and make them seem overwhelming. Trans rights and even immigrants - surely immigrant crime that has lower rates among the immigrant populations than American citizens. They’ve used the politics of fear to outsize these issues of tolerance against the left. So there was a backlash for electing a black president, who had more smarts and integrity in his little finger than Donald trump has ever had - does that mean we should not have elected a black president? Absolutely not.

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I agree. He's a disaffected liberal, borderline traitor. He apparently doesn't know any real Left. We don't need this beat down from this guy. He claims he doesn't believe in berating others but he's berating the Left.

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I disagree with the blame placed by this Mr. Schaefer about his take on democrats. Not knowing at all who he is, I realize that this is a time of many opinions and that’s okay, but we don’t have to address, agree or disagree with the any of the opinions. Conserve your mental energy. I am. These are difficult times and I don’t blame the democrats. He digresses and seems very much anti democrat the longer he talks. Tuning out this geezer. Dumping this conversation. Being old doesn’t make your right or wise.

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Ignoring him is the kind of mistake the democrats already made.

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Not untrue! So pissed that this was even allowed to happen.

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This is mostly nonsense. LOOK. IN. THE. MIRROR. White men want to blame everyone but white power for where we are! MAGA is so vile but you coddle them with they are good people and liberals are bad. Well, I’m not a bad person for denouncing white supremacy! This is a terrible take.

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I agree. We have worked hard to get where we are and my sons where the first of my family to go to college with the help of grants and loans. Trump is taking all that away and let’s talk about elitism, Frank! I doubt my grandkids will be able to afford college. In Trump’s world you must be white, rich and mostly male. One of the things I loved about our country was the diversity in all walks of life and he is taking all that away.

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totally utterly agree

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It’s a mistake to leave out the horrible effects of the right wing propaganda machine over the last 50 years. As you have said, you and your father were a part of spreading lies and demonizing anyone who didn’t believe the same as you. This train wreck is not the fault of liberal, educated people. It is the result of an insidious onslaught of propaganda and hatred perpetrated by the Republican Party and Christian Nationalists for decades. Go ahead and try to shift the blame. History will show what really happened.

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exactly! (incidentally i'm a white middle aged man)

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Well, if it's any solace, the Trumpers DID win the hard fought culture war against elitist libtards to "say ‘retard’ and ‘pussy’ without the fear of getting cancelled . . . it’s a new dawn." Let's be clear, I hear this accusation of "eltistism" and neglecting the (white) worKKKing class on the part of the Democrats (and by association, liberals in general) but for more than a decade of All Trump All The Time, I haev NEVER heard him or his proxies suggest ANY tangible policies or programs. It's been entirely blames, grievances, and jingoistic platitudes, demonizing anyone and everyone who'd DARE to suggest EVERYONE be granted to live their lives free from fear. In the eyes of Trump and MAGA cult, it's mind-boggling that somehow they've wrapped their heads around the prospect that a group of oligarchs with more money that God could possibly give a SHIT about the working class! So please, don't patronize us with a wave of a hand proclaiming, "liberals and elites DON'T get it!" And yet... that's pretty much what you wrote. What a shame.

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I agree. So surprised that someone would attack his own people like this. No support, no affirmation just bitter accusation! Disgusting. Calling hard working people snobs is the purest manifestation of wrongheadedness. Self-hating left.

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I agree, couldn't have said it better.

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mostly true but the best minds i've been reading say the entire reason for Heritage Foundation and Trumpism is bcuz they lost the culture wars over time, which i think is true, as of '16ish at least

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Frank, I listened to this video again very carefully and quite honestly, with all due respect, I think you’ve gone a bit off the rails. There are for sure elite institutions, academics, and others that I would imagine are a turn-off for average working and rural people. But these elite institutions, etc., have always existed; they are a part of our multicultural society. Now, that being said, this harping on the pronoun thing is also sort of nonsensical. First, Kamala Harris never pushed culture war issues, and I cannot ever remember her making an issue of pronouns. She addressed all of her speeches and interviews to middle class and working class Americans by talking about issues that affect them directly, such as raising the minimum wage, giving subsidies to new homebuyers, bringing industries back to America that had been offshored by previous presidents, etc. But what Trump and his campaign did was create scenarios that don’t really exist and cause vulnerable, low-information voters to believe that somehow their lives were going to be taken over and changed forever by people who are different from them. The problem here is solely the ability of one demonic, hateful, narcissistic human being to create an atmosphere of alarm that allowed him to rile up fear and hatred in people.

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But how are you going to counter this right wing momentum in future elections? Because it’s taken hold. When Trump goes, can’t be soon enough, then what? Democrats HAVE to introspect and look at what lost them the election! And I don’t think this guy is talking about you and other Democratic “ordinary” voters in general, he’s referring to the Democratic ”powers that be” who decide how to run political campaigns. They HAVE to look at what they got wrong. You can’t just say “well these things are important”. Of course they are but the focus has to change in order to get rid of this far right wing MAGA madness!!

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It seems Frank has eaten the soup, an expression from the misnamed Irish Famine when a Catholic would give up their religion in order to be fed by the Protestant church. He believes that the annoying elite somehow caused decent people to support Trump. Uh uh. The people who support Trump ARE ignorant, they hate anybody who studied, who actually accomplished something, who are different races from them, etc. Sure the elitists are annoying, sure the crazy extremes on the left are irksome, but most of the Dems I know are just working people. To blame defeat on arrogance is nuts. Trump supporters are not good people. At root, they are haters. I’m sure in his darkest heart, so is your Trump loving neighbor. I hope you don’t find that out the way neighbors did in Germany in the 30s when the true faces were shown.

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Yes, most of the Dems you and I know are hard-working middle class people. But these are not the ones at the head of the companies these working class Dems are not the ones teaching in the universities. These working class Dems are not the ones holding elected office. These working class dems are not the ones making the laws. These working class dems are not the ones creating classroom nameplates with four and five pronouns on them to be placed on every seat in the classroom. I have worked at Yale University for almost 50 years. These Ivy League universities is where you’re gonna find what he’s talking about. I remember years ago when president Salovay (Yale University) faced pressure to change the name of Calhoun College (one of 14 residential colleges at Yale) because it’s namesake had owned slaves. I said then, and I stand by it, Yale should never have changed the name of that college. And the pressure came from the students. To me, it was a real life in person starting point of this backlash.

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This is exactly right! It’s almost scary how many people replying to this guy just don’t get it! It’s not the average working class dem this guy is referring to, and this seems to have gone over so many people’s heads. It’s the elite, the kind of people you mention here, the people who run political campaigns, the people who decide what platform to run on. Those are the people he’s referring to. And he’s saying the dems have to introspect and understand what lost them the election. And they absolutely have to, unless America wants another 8 years of this after trump has gone! That cannot be allowed to happen!

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Wow. You are so wrong. As a member of the LGBTQ community, the fact that I can live a life out in the open is a direct result of our party's "culture wars." I am not an "alternative to sexuality," and I've been with my partner for going on 25 years. It isn't the Liberals who are telling you what to believe, who to love, what to read, or who to pray for. I'm really disappointed that people like you are so quick to push the LGBTQ, women,and POC under the bus. As if we created this. I hope you rethink your position, Frank, because it is very hurtful to the marginalized. Honoring them as equals is not snobby. It is right.

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So tired of statements like . And now, after years of prioritizing culture war battles over working-class struggles, liberals are faced with the consequences: define culture war battles do they include equity for lgbtq? Race? Etc Let me assure you the real elite- the wealthy class are not the ones benefiting from equity for so called “cultural” concerns for example Peter Thiel and his partner will become without lgbtq protections- not so the bulk of us including many working class folk. Dont buy into this view that keeps us fighting each other while the money flows up. Follow the money

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Tired of statements like WHAT?

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It’s pretty clearly stated “And now,…….faced with the consequences:

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why is it that the right can be so crass but the left is expected to make sure not to offend? And the right wins elections?

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These type of capitulators are the worst! He believes the Right BS and he's spewing it back at us. What a dope!

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You make some strong point.

However, you are twisting one fact. You are presenting things as if liberal went on a cultural war. That's not accurate. What you call culture war was just the simple acts of advocating for inclusion, equally and fairness. Liberal were reacting to people that have been trying to discriminate and abuse minority. Liberal did not start culture war.

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It’s the rigged neoliberal economy. The orange clown is just a symptom of 40 years of the system

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While diversity, equity, and inclusion are wonderful things to build upon in fostering a kinder world, too often people on "the left" resort to shame, and it backfires. Shame leads to resentment, not inclusion. I know one liberal voter who actually voted for Trump on account of it. I know others who didn't vote for Harris on account of Biden's policy on Israel. Unfortunately, there will always be something to criticize about the party that is not the fascist one. My focus now is on stopping the bleeding.

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Do not live in a grievances mentality. Stay, instead, open to solutions we all can live with, ALL of us.

Signed the eternal optimist.

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Mr. Schaeffer,

I have done as you asked and respectfully heard you out.

Because I believe in our American values of hearing each other out, I now respectfully ask the same thing of you.

There is a fundamental difference between those who want to conserve ways of the past and those who are working towards a more equitable future for all.

Believing in science is not a hallmark of being a liberal. Believing that everyone should have the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is simply American.

I did not hear you mention anything that would clarify you as a "liberal." It is unfortunate that the right wing has gone so far as to make us think that defending medicine, education, or science is a "liberal" set of beliefs.

Those who have spent 50+ years working to eliminate Jim Crow, forwarding equal rights for women, people of various sexual preferences or freedom to identify as they see fit... those causes are the hallmarks of progress.

What I'm hearing from you is a defense of regression, not progression.

I understand that you are angry, frustrated, alarmed and appalled by what is unfolding. I am, as well. As are many of us. And I can understand why we are all tempted to find someone or something to blame.

But the unstoppable march forward towards living the true principles embedded in our country's founding documents is not the reason we find ourselves here.

We're here for a thousand different reasons and due to a confluence of factors. Principally, several rich, powerful groups of people formulated a long term plan and we're seeing that plan come to fruition.

And the reason we are here now is that we, the People, didn't work hard enough to stop it. We had the playbook. They published it for the whole world to see. Project 2025 was there for all of us to see. We didn't take Trump seriously enough to stop him a second time. His supporters either wanted this chaos or didn't educate themselves about the plan.

The battle against science has been waged by Republicans for decades. The battle against education has been waged by Republicans for decades. The battle against women, people of color, and the entire queer population has been waged by the Church and the powered for centuries. These things are not new.

What is new: the fast paced and increasingly insistent cries for equality - the pushback against old, outdated norms has never been greater. The technology has allowed those voices to be amplified.

What you call the Trump moment is simply the clash between a group of people who aren't ready to move forward and all those who are ready ... For real and lasting progress.

Respectfully, I ask you to consider pointing your ire at those who are trying to take us backwards. We are not going back.

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Let me get this right, the left has been “stupid and annoying” for pushing for equal right for members of the lgbqt+ community, humane and ethical treatment of immigrants and DEI initiatives to bring ethical awareness to racist policies and procedures?

You suggest we should abandon morality and ethics, not to mention equal rights for citizens, because the issues make some of us uncomfortable? If we make this sacrifice have we not already lost? Are they not the core of what we hope to represent as a nation.

Democracy doesn’t always look or work the way you want it to but that’s why it works awkwardly for everyone instead of a dictatorship or an aristocracy that works exceptionally for a few. Powerful people in our country now would like our government to operate exceptionally.

Beware the effects of propaganda. Effective propaganda is insidious and seeps into your thought process making someone else’s ideas seem like your own.

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He means in effect we didn’t keep our eyes on the prize - we fought a lot of good battles, but forgot about what was important to the heart of the party, the middle class. Jobs, wages, home, health, healthcare, eldercare & Medicare, childcare, taxes, etc. The GOP took advantage and masqueraded as the party of the middle class. They now own the White House, Senate, House, SCOTUS, and a slew of judges. How’s that working out for us??

ALL of those hard fought wins are disappearing one by one, and they’re going after every single one of them. How long did Roe v Wade last?

We need to stop counting the wins we had … “had” being the key word here. We have to take stock of how we wrest the power back. We HAVE to do that, or get ready to wait in line to get thru the Canadian border before Trump locks that one down too.

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Everything you said is what Dean Phillips said a year ago!!

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‘We have the pronouns…but Trump has the White House’. Truer words. If only the democrats could have understood this earlier. But will they learn? And even if they do will they ever get a chance again to get into power?

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That’s the real kicker here. Nobody ever imagined that Trump would attack laws in the fashion he has, or that Congress would completely forego their Constitutional duties, and lay down and let him do it. Or that he would cede so much power to Musk without following the established protocols of creating an official DOGE department, which would be approved by Congress, prior to vetting and (possibly) approving Musk as its head.

It is SO bad that it’s possible we could never even see another election. These Republican congressmen and congresswomen will go down in history as the cowards who let our democratic republic die … or (hopefully) who ALMOST let it die

FYI After the Continental Congress, when Ben Franklin was asked if they had created a republic, answered “Yes, if you can keep it.”

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The thing is if this blows up in their faces and leads to outage, even among the MAGAs, then it will set them back for years. People don’t realise this is the end result of 130 years of propaganda and covert manipulation by libertarian and conservative ideologues. They’ve had setbacks before but this time they plan to implement all of their fantasy ideology and hold power. When it goes wrong, and I’m sure it will, they will retreat, regroup and learn from it. So if there’s a next time they will be even better prepared. You will never remove the fascist element in America but you can educate the masses to recognise it and hopefully make libertarians the pariah they should be. Forget terrorists, libertarians are currently the most dangerous group on the planet because they are the power and money behind the Trump throne

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Gotta agree. In 1964 the conservatives had a real setback when LBJ thrashed Goldwater in the election, they rebounded in 80 with Reagan, but he was more of a populist - he actually was a Democrat early on (as was DJT actually). But this version of conservatives is downright scary. Trump’s “ability” to not be embarrassed by anything allows him to tell bald-faced lies without a single thought or worry. He is the perfect foil for the puppet masters - he even can’t conceive that he isn’t one of them (and he’s not). He is being played like a fiddle by Musk!

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