Frank, this is one of your most powerful and truly exceptional speeches about the depraved Republican party. Thank you for being out there speaking truth to power. You are so needed at this point in our history.

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We must # PROTECTOURDAUGHTERS ! We know Maga will not. They hate women .

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True right ✔️

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You're on fire Frank!! Don't let up.! Those with their heads in the sand need to be shook up and enlightened. You're doing that. Thank you.

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Exactly right! Wake up America!

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The Republican party is gone . It is full on Maga and we need to address it as such.

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Mocking Tim Walz for having tampons in bathrooms is dumb, but I doubt it is often about the fact that their families can’t afford sanitary products for them.

Most of these girls likely have these products at home but especially as teens, cycles aren’t always regular and being away from home and having nothing with you and no change for a vending machine becomes a problem. Some students begin menstruation for the first time at school. A few workplaces and stores do the same for employees and customers. It’s there for the unexpected emergency for when a period is early, or the woman forgets to replenish supplies in her purse before leaving home because she was distracted or in a hurry. Finding a stash already in the bathroom means less anxiety because there’s no need to awkwardly have to ask others nearby for products or leave the bathroom to whisper to a teacher, nurse or office secretary about their emergency while possibly staining clothes.

As in all things, some people are always prepared and others are perpetually unprepared, but most people are in between—mostly prepared but once in a while caught off guard. From my experience, girls at school and sometimes women anywhere might not have supplies when they need them for many reasons other than family poverty.

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Exactly right, Laura, and it also helps those students who truly cannot afford the products. But I really think it’s because many young girls have irregular periods and may not be prepared on any given day if it comes on suddenly. Either way, what Tim Walz has done for Minnesota is nothing less than exceptional.

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I’m not very familiar with his record as I am from Texas—I am learning about him now, but I have a really good feeling about him. I’m more hopeful for our future with these candidates. I wish more politicians in Texas were better humans. We have some, but not nearly enough. 💙

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I am rooting for Colin Allred to be your senator replacement for Ted Cruz. I think he has a good chance of winning, but I am an eternal optimist. 🌈

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I would say that there are a large group of families that can’t afford sanitary products that we don’t see/know about. When families have to decide between laundry soap or food for their table, I would suggest that sanitary products (that are also taxed still in many states and not allowed to be purchased for food pantry services with their funds) are also an item that gets crossed of the family list.

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In my school, the machine was usually empty. I remember saying back then that there should be a law requiring public buildings and businesses to make sure their vending machines were filled with feminine protection - because it was a health issue. I would have been happy if the machines had been full but ecstatic if the products had been free.

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It’s also for trans girls and boys who won’t ask for help for fear of being bullied.

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Trans girls do not need sanitary products. This is what separates men from women.

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Yeah? Okey dokey

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You do the math Sarah. It’s probably why Walz did not, contrary to Republican folklore, put feminine hygiene products into boy’s school bathrooms.

Now try to keep up….boys and men don’t menstruate. Only girls and women do.

Okay dokey?

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Ohffs, you really are one of those!? I’m keeping up. You are the one dragging their knuckles! Crawl back under your rock, now.

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What a ridiculous conversation. We’re both liberals! The far-left has some work to do. And we don’t have much time.

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Bravo, Frank. Saying it how it is

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Can we please call them what they are? Psychopaths and sociopaths, led by a sociopathic narcissist!

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I love this guy. He called ( Trump et all) pantiesniffers!!!

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No siree we don’t because they are unworthy of our trust!!

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We need more voices like yours. 🇺🇸 👏🏼

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It’s time to uphold the repubecan (they’ve kicked the “L” out of the party and are concentrated on female genitalia and control)mayor from AZ, and anyone like him, who denounce drumpf and that sick little punk jdv!

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Can you imagine if our representatives with browner skin(not orange), said or did the things these good ol’ boys are doing and saying??? This double standard for human beings must end! Returning to a civil, kind, fact-based, environmentally safe place is what we need to do. Stop the lies!

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You can tell their character by the words they use..

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Right on!!!

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💯 thank you!

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