Thank you for this very clear and grounded offering! We have to vote - not voting is too dangerous!!

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Voting doesn’t mean jack shit.

Representative democracy is a participation gig.

Participation is holding the people who received the most votes accountable until the next time that we vote. In other words, your duty as a member of the electorate is to hold all officeholders accountable for good governance and quality policies.

Voting is not participating. It is merely the price of admission.

Your attitude is howdy corporate donor class co-opted the DNC.

But, since we’re on the subject……

If we forgo the opportunity to name a legitimate and motivating ticket through a brokered convention, such as




or any combination thereof


There is not a single member of the majority corporate water carrying donor class fellation tools supported by the DNC engine recommended by the party leader ship that will defeat Donald Trump.



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Ok Russia. Whatever.

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Amanda Carpenter of Protect Democracy says that the anti-trump coalition is the largest group of voters in the country.

I do believe that and I do have faith in we the people to vote for democracy in November.

Happy 4th y’all!

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Thank you for the gift of hope on this very special day!

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Even if Trumpito is defeated ed resoundingly, the sort of craziness that the Heritage Foundation embodies, will not. An existential war is underway. Semper Fidelis.

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Check out the CNN interview with Heather Cox Richardson. Excellent!


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Fabulous, thx!!

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Thanks Frank

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Thanks for this positive message. I feel the same way; I have faith in the American people.

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Why in the hell could you possibly do that? We have failed miserably since 1980.

Jesus H Christ and all 12 Apostles….. as if anyone needs to wonder why.

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I’m losing hope. I hope you are right.

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Good for you, Frank.

I can't vote for Biden or Trump or any Democrat or any Republican.

I was going to vote for Kennedy, but he ate a dog or, at least, denied it, which is just as bad.

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Your son is in the military. Has he ever mentioned where the military stands in this, gut feeling or otherwise?

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Thank you Frank Schaffer! Your message landed with me.

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May cooler heads prevail…breathe

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Presidential elections are more about platforms than the individuals who represent those platforms. Too many people treat elections as popularity contests without looking at the big picture. This November, we are being presented with 2 major platforms: preserving and improving the democratic Republic and the lives of ordinary people versus Project 25 / MAGA / Agenda 47 and the lives of the obscenely wealthy. No matter which individual names are on the ballot, the platforms are still the same. Biden vs. Trump; Newsom vs. Haley; it doesn't matter. This November, VOTE BLUE across the board. Let's drive the MAGATs and Nat-C's back under their rocks, and whack-a-mole them whenever they try to pop back out. God Bless America!

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Here's how I shared your video to my email lists:

This country’s future is best represented by our past. We’ve turned back home-grown authoritarian plutocrats and their lackeys twice before: Civil War to save slavery and FDR, banker-led, coup attempt to stop the New Deal. Now they are trying to replicate Nazi Germany. Citizens will push back as in 2020. Biden won 15 million more votes than Hillary to defeat the worst president ever by 7 million votes. The 2024 election will see an even greater voter surge and a larger win margin to handily defeat tRump.

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You’re tripping. Biden has motivated none of the 42 80, million registered non-voters. NONE!

There have been zero election security procedures implemented. This is a complete set up for another coup. Christ, Biden has the purview to fire some really nefarious characters in extremely powerful positions concerning the legitimacy of the entire thing.

DNC donor class water carrying cheerleader is a really bad off. I’ll see you in Hell, although I am positive, you will have a much better seat.

That word salad has zero connection to reality and I cannot reckon which team you are fellating.

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thank you for the uplifting message, I appreciate your voice especially today

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