Dear Frank, I agree with pretty much everything you spoke and wrote here, but the fact is that Trump was a Russian asset long before JD Vance got into politics. Long before Trump had any affiliation with JD Vance, during a time when Vance was calling Trump “America’s Hitler,“ Trump had affiliations with Russia, and that was evident during his first term, before Vance was a senator. Trump has been a Russian asset for decades.

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I agree with what you wrote/spoke about JD Vance, but I think Janet’s point is critical. How could you give Trump a free ride when it is clear he has been a Russian asset for decades?

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Thank you, Jeff. Vance is a horrible human being, but I actually think Trump is much worse. Vance decided to sell his soul to the devil in order to get a taste of power. Trump has been a piece of crap since he was a teenage bully.

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let's remember that as bad as Trump is Americans logically see him is better than the Democrats.

Let's always remember that the American people voted for Trump because they were sick of 20% inflation, high crime, no cash bail, trans athletes, two regional wars, woke pronouns , homelessness, the deep state, “the big guy” mafia, jobs shipped off shore, high taxes, Khan business strangulation, fentanyl , female hygiene products in boy bathrooms, a southern invasion, 60% of our kids with chronic disease, transvestite story hours, Afghanistan withdrawal that encouraged Putin to attack Ukraine, FBI arresting parents at School board meetings, continued attack on love , family, marriage and religion, the worst schools and healthcare in the civilized world , furry subculture, two insurrectionist attempts to subvert a presidential election with the Russian collusion hoax and the Hunter Biden hoax, FBI offices at Twitter and Facebook, Hillary Clinton admiring the audacity and agency of Cardi B in wet ass pussy, cultural Marxism, little kids selecting their gender in school without parental consent, and their anti-American socialist opposition to the basic American constitutional principles of freedom and liberty from government.

Also the American voters were just so sick of the ossified, senile ,brain dead ,non-creative status quo of the Democrats. Trump is actually creative enough and audacious enough to stop the wars ,stop the inflation , get rid of the IRS , cut the bloated socialist bureaucracies in half, restore the middle class, crack down on crime, get rid of the education department just because it is the worst in the world, dare to make America healthy again, and not let China surround us and slowly strangle us.

Oh, and then there is always the disturbing fact that 76% of Democrats say they would vote for socialism when socialism just killed 100 million people making it the dumbest and deadliest idea in all of human history. And as if to prove the point they ran Kamal Harris for president even though she had a father who is a Marxist economics professor and even though she was the only senator to vote to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open socialist.

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Good for you. One of the reasons Trump is president today is because the Democrat Russian collusion hoax was exposed!!

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You’re delusional; good luck with that problem. My advice: seek help from a cult deprogrammer.

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if there is something with which you disagree please try to think of a reason for your disagreement and then try to present the reason here in writing. Do you understand that a reason is necessary?

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Thank you for your candid “shake us awake” commentary.

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Unfortunately, I think you go too easy on FOTUS. There is so much about him ans his would that points toward his love ans admiration of Putin as well. Maybe revisit the Mueller Report that was misrepresented and essentially buried by Bill Barr.

Otherwise, thank you for calling this out.

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I agree with you on most points, Frank, but I think that you give Vance too much credit and Trump not enough. By credit I actually mean blame. I believe that Trump has been compromised by Russia for many years and that his hubris is being weaponized against the west by Putin. Putin is a great manipulator and he has a willing and pliable fool to manipulate in Trump. Trump has compromised the Republican Party into subservience which Putin was not able to do on his own. Now that that is done Putin has complete control of the country via his useful idiot. Vance is an opportunist who is waiting for his turn at power which he will never see. All the rest are lining their pockets while the getting is good.

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As an American I wake up today shamefully of the treason performance of trump and vance

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Donald Trump is a traitor and so are all the people who work for him. Donald has been a Russian asset since JD Vance was a child. JD is a person with no diplomatic skills and needs to shut up and sit down while in the Oval Office and everywhere else as well.

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You can get an "Amen" from me!

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It's a sad concept of the country I live in is now heading for a dictatorship. How very upsetting that we fought so hard and so long to make our country free from the effects of the king. Lives lost to the fight and here we are!

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All of this is great it needs to be said, however Trump wouldn't be in office if it weren't for the billionaires funding the corruption of SCOTUS,MSM, Universities, Churches beating the incessant drumbeat of the Government is bad, deep state, democrats are evil, democracy isn't working. Everything the billionaires have accomplished is to destroy our government, strip "We The People " of their ownership of the Constitution that we determine our own futures.

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Also: McConnell first condemned Trump for leading an insurrection on Congress. But when he had the chance not once, but twice, to convict Trump in the Senate, he waffled. If not a traitor to the Constitution, McConnell is still a contemptible coward.

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Thank you for this jeremiad. I do not agree with all you say, but much of it needs to be said. I have been wondering if Vance planned it and provoked DT as part of a plan to show DT's mental issues. You are probably right that the American President should turn on Vance. But he won't because they are both servants of the War Criminal, Putin. They are all Sons of the Father of Lies and they are reducing the USA to the status of Belarus. I pray daily that God will change their hearts, but I am concerned they would not listen to His urging.🙏🙏🙏🇺🇲🇺🇦

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This is all about money. Trump is getting money for all of this. Directly or indirectly. And therefore for JD Vance and the rest of congress and the Senate. Don't think for a minute this has anything to do with anything else. Whether the money from Russia is being laundered thru a business property or via a crypto coin. Or he is getting it from the Far Christian Nationalist organizations. Sure Trump has some big ego and writes his own reality. Ultimately it is the almighty dollar and folks enriching themselves.

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Thankyou, Frank, a wonderful piece and so thought provoking.

As a UK citizen I have been a spectator to United States politics from a comfortable 4,000 miles, but now it's on our doorstep.

I was reminded of the ancient Turkish saying. 'When a clown enters the palace he does not become a king, the palace becomes a circus'

What we witnessed last night in the Whitehouse has shaken us to the core. Donald Trump threats his presidency as a reality show...yes the most powerful man in the world.

It was mildly amusing when he proposed to turn Gaza into a golf course, although not for the Palestinians. A resort, incidentally, sitting on $500 billion of fossil fuels.

But J D Vance and Carlson have shed a very sinister light on this and I am indebted to you for your insight.

Separation of Church and State is essential but your future constitution must include separation of State and Entertainment...don't you think?

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For now, Europe, including the UK, will have to unite to defend itself and Ukraine. You have the wealth and the technology. You even have a nuclear power, France, if, heaven forfend, it should come to that. You must simply bury your differences, and rise to the occasion. With U.S. support lacking for now, Europe and all the other allies must come together to defend democracy.

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Biden did nothing for 3 years despite 1 million casualties. Let's all be quiet and let Trump make a deal. As ugly as it might be it will be better than another 1 million casualties. The rare earth minerals won't hurt either, I'm embarrassed to say. In fact, they might be essential for our survival if AI takes shape the way many think it will.

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I love you Frank, and always appreciate your stance....being a 68 year of person of ex faith. What happened was disgustingting.......even for moi a non american. I hav been a fan forever from buying and giving your books to friends all those years ago.........I too believe and then again I don't. In a general sense i see myself as woke, in terms of it being more caring and empathetic than not being so. I am happy with that gentle understanding about the term and my position on it. I find it concerning that your 'woke ' bashing aligns with the comments and attitudes of the coalition government here in New Zealand, politicians that command no respect and are undoing at a great rate things that protect the environment and LGBTQ issues plus lots more. 'woke' is continually bashed by parties that play to a fearful and narrow minded base...........for their existence and support. So in the light of whats true in what you say about yesterday...........and I value totally your perspective..............your vehemence against 'woke' here and the lefts failure because of it...........I have my 1st hmmmmmmm and healthy moment of okay....so not all the words of Frank are going to become a part of my truth. And that's a good thing............ at least the coalition government of schmucks here in New Zealand have come out to support Ukraine.....in the midst of all their anti woke statements and agendas. 'Woke' may be a pendulum swing.............but I am happy swinging on it rather than watching it. Appreciate you Frank,I have from a distance sort of known you and your family from Addicted To Mediocrity, The Myth of Neutrality, and all your mum and dads books............and appreciate where you are now. I guess I thought you might be a little bit woke like me......... Graham Hughes. Aotearoa New Zealand

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As Jane Fonda recently said, “Empathy is not weak or woke. And, by the way, “woke” just means you give a damn about other people.”

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oh, i love that……

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Amen from me too! Let’s get the word out there now.

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Lol we Republicans will vote for Vance. We want peace not war, you warmongers

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