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Being "deaf, dumb and blind" to those on the bottom level of the three-tiered socio-political structure of the Indo-European raiders from the Eurasian steppes -- who conquered Europe, then colonized the world, The Patriarchy is similarly "deaf, blind and dumb" to females and girls and other sub-humans on the bottom tier. "Bodies without minds," the top tier of priest-kings or middle tier of warriors "claim."

Like the slaves of the Old South, the bottom tier of alleged sub-humans have no future but what the top level "decides."

But that's clearly not Jesus. Jesus always always asked "Who do you say that I am?" He wasn't a Theocrat -- a Patriarch pretending to be for Christ.

Free choice is integral to the image of God. (I didn't say license).

But you know and everybody knows that patriarchs and The Patriarchy* like to "Lord it over" women and other slaves, for sexual purposes.

If there is one thing Patriarchy insists on is their automatic access to females -- meaning "no consent needed."

And Jesus wasn't like that, either.

So who do they think they're following?

It ain't Jesus.


* Margaret Atwood, "The Handmaid's Tale", Theocratic Gilead as Future America.

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