I enjoyed the interview with Cait West. I was impressed with how much Frank dominated this woman during the interview. "I LIKE you so very much!" What? I was also impressed with how quickly she reverted once again to the submissive female role in the conversation. She did stand firm about protecting the disclosure of her name even when Frank wanted her to share it! Wow! 'We men' hardly ever fully emancipate ourselves from the roles with which we were raised, both men and women. I noticed this in the podcast because I am similar to Frank in my treatment of women, even if I say I want to view them as fully equal. His gentle 'liberal' paternalism could have come out my own mouth, so familiar it is! It is very, very difficult to let the women lead! Should we trust them to help me protect things like my 'personal' podcast? Obviously, the entire conversation was painfully helpful to me. It reminded me of how quickly I become the paternalistic person toward female people, in particular. And I that I thought I had matured out of this! Not so. It is not enough for me to say 'I'm sorry.'

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I think you mistake Frank's enthusiasm for a degree of dominance, imo. Remember it is Frank's show. Also, I feel that biology plays a part in men's mistaken roles as leader (controller?, yikes) of the family and as guides to their siblings. It is not an excuse for much of mens' behavior, however.

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I agree with you. I found Frank to be poignant and very complimentary. I believe he had so much to say after completing the book that morning. He was excited to interview her.

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guides to their offspring, meant !

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Outstanding interview!

Frank, I was moved to tears when you talked about your experience with the Saudi woman "princess" and how angry you became over her plight. Your emotional compliment to Cait of how you truly liked her and told her as much. Beautiful! Thank you for being real and emotional. It was understood, felt, and I loved it.

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Very interesting interview. It’s a new concept to me - thank you Frank.

I’m seeing that many people were born and raised into a religious culture, regardless what the religion. I was lucky to avoid it despite the fact my great paternal grandfather was the minister in our home town episcopal church, and did missionary work in China at the 19th/20th century juncture. (As an aside, he presided over the funeral of Teddy Roosevelt!)

My entire family always sat in the second pew, at church - we were up front so everyone behind us would know when to suit/stand/kneel. 🤷‍♀️ (I didn’t always know).

Thankfully, although my father made sure we all (his kids) went to Sunday school and church, and got confirmed, he and my mother encouraged us to think for ourselves and make our own religious decisions once we finished our religious educations (K- confirmation).

It makes me sad to think of all the people who were NOT allowed to think for themselves. It’s good I’m learning about this part of our society. I’ll keep reading/listening.

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