The world would be a whole lot better if we had a maximum population south of 2 billion. I say this as a father & grandfather who finds them all a joy. The only reason to keep having children is an economic one. It wouldn’t matter a bit if there was 1 working person for 100 retirees IF the retirement funds had been funded at the time the debt was incurred. Instead, retirement funds were either insufficient or were stolen for the general funds of the government with the reasoning that the continued growth of the population would make make the debt payable by the young. In other words, stiff the young with a huge debt incurred by an older generation because either the retirement funds were insufficient or, again, stolen by the government. The idea that we can live the high life while the bill is to be paid by an ever growing population was always insane at its very root and is the only reason that alarm bells are going off among those who accept this bizarre compact.

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As long as its a choice to have children or not fine. Sadly it does not stay as a choice and bigotry for those that choose to be single arises.

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Frank, please take a look (or not) at 11/13/24 article by "2nd Smartest Guy in the World" substack on ivermectin and curing (brain) cancer.

The information is not kryptonite by the way. See also Dr. Peter Kory. And no he is not an arch comic book villain.

The guy who invented ivermectin won a Nobel peace prize for it. It costs a tiny, tiny, tiny fraction of other "stuff."

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If ivermectin were the panacea you say then the company that makes it, Merck, would be out there selling and making a fortune on it. Why aren’t they? Because they know that it doesn’t work as you say. It is huge false information that people like you keep trying to force on everyone.

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A major roadblock, if not mountain, in the way of the solution that seems to be suggested -- is that the prevailing social paradigm is patriarchal* and is based on a self-image of the male socially constructed upon the definition of the female as a non- or sub- human.

Caste systems allege as true that their own foundations of social/caste distinctions are god-given (small "g" historically e.g.Greek and Roman pantheons of gods, on which the Olympic games are based), whether called "pagan" or "Christian" -- such that any change in sub-human status to human status by female or serf or slave, will feel like a frontal attack on the "male-as- human" (top of the socio-economic-political caste) possessing the attributes of the sole and unilateral power to define "proper relationships."

From within the context of the patriarchal male paradigm of "the essential," "the immovable," and "exclusive superiority" then, it will feel like -- and be perceived of -- by the male so narrowly self- and culturally defined as "the unquestioned one", the pure, the "mind-not-body" -- as his being personally "attacked" by Chaos itself -- the Void, Death itself -- embodied by the female,** the body-sans-mind, the corruption of the body -- a mass of female entities that are frightening "bodies-sans-mind" -- and "therefore"

[here comes the poor, if not psychopathic, logic, in dealing with the male self's own death****] "chaos"/disorder/"vagina dentata"/medusas.


* Contra the successful paradigm of equality of the Sand People of the Kalahari, that "follows" Christ and the Shema. Females as "Imago Dei" as well as males, with equal constitutional rights. "Follows": Christ is the both the "root and the offspring" of David, being the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Creator. We weren't there at the creation, the singularity, which is why it requires faith to believe in Him [not the endless line of patriarchal pharisees].

** Jesus talked with the woman at the well as an equal, upon which conversation His disciples stumbled, totally shocked at a) the idea she even had a "mind", b) the fact that Jesus as God, and a male, would even consider her as an equal human [See Jesus's admonition to males committing adultery to "Cast the first stone"; modern parallel -- arresting prostitutes who are trafficked/kidnapped and enslaved "beasts of burden"/"only bodies" i.e. victims, but not arresting Johns or pimps or sex traffickers]; Also see Queen Mebh, ancient queen in Ireland ("The Cattle Raid of Cooley"/"The Tain") who was seen as "incapable of ruling" [sans "mind"] because she had her menses in the midst of leading a battle].

***This is the ancient fight between gnosis, gnostic paganism, gnostic Christianity -- all patriarchal caste systems, and the true Christ, true Christianity (the two commandments that sum up the ten), fought for in part by the early church fathers. "Gnosis" is "men can be gods" i.e. transcend death. Modern form, "Transhumanism", the global rule and reign of scientists (elite scientists only -- specifically chosen for their agreeability with totalitarian forms of patriarchy).

All gnostics/patriarchically educated males deny death, fear bodily corruption [their own] post-death -- and psychologically cast "death" onto "Females" and other lower caste members-- serfs/servants, slaves, the artificially created allehedly "powerless" -- trafficked females "just for sex" (mere bodies), trafficked humans for labor (mere "beasts of burden"). These "deserve" death and destruction -- "[criminal] harm" -- rape, murder, disposability -- not being "human"/gnostic gods/patriarchal males.

This is a pathological way of handling human death -- by pretending to "assign" bodily corruption, weakness, and powerlessness to females et al. It is the prevailing paradigm. Full of fear, fear-based.

The power to name reality was given by God to humans, but only if they do it along the lines of the Shema, Love your neighbor as yourself. That includes your wife, that includes all females. Caste systems create fonts of violence and violation by creating faux locii of "proper targets" of violence.

Jesus is the "Prince of Peace" because the Shema is His Word. And "Follow Me", is His key instruction.

(He didn't say build patriarchal dystopias with no free will for "the Many.")

Mainly, it denies the Resurrection, a historical fact (Shroud of Turin imprint is a reverse negative caused by a radiation blast/event horizon). It creates "gods", small "g", who are male.

****Creating in the male mind, locii "over there", with the "Other"/non-self, is psychological sleight- of-mind, to monopolize to the "self", the definition if "human", and a priori deprive the Other of all human rights not to be plundered (patriarchal economies of theft, rape and murder) -- criminally harmed.

Ref: "Fatal Court", Deseret News (2019). Family court judges nationwide, who open the way for males to murder their wives, partners, children. And see Golan v Saada, Justice Sotomayor. A Supreme Court decision blind to the the patriarchal culture of family courts -- that opened the legal way for Golan's murder.

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More and more parents are getting their children taken by DFPS/CPS illegally. Im dealing with this now. I'm hearing more that people are putting off having kids because of the precentage it's increasing here in Texas. Even though DFPS commissioner Cecile Young is being “fined” $100,000 a day for on compliance issues since this April. Its not stopping the department from illegally removing kids.

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