A very good interview. It got me to doing some research on the subject. There is a great podcast series, Sold

a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong, on apmreports.org. If it's not too cheeky, here is a link: https://features.apmreports.org/sold-a-story/

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My son (now 36) is dyslexic and disgraphic. I told people - "I pick my son up from school and go home and homeschool". That is how I got my son through school. Spelling was a horror story. My son, fortunately, has a very good memory and I used memory tricks to get him through spelling. He went to private school 10 of 12 years. I tried public school for 2 years until they told me they didn't accept the diagnosis of his problems. They had him in with the "slow learners". This was not acceptable for me and I put him back in private school.

He had phonics, but wasn't learning how to read. Sometimes he would start to read a word using a letter in the middle of the word.

He is doing better now, but not without some problems. BTW, he has a BS in Computer Science. The university accepted his diagnosis and let him record his class lectures on a voice recorder and take essay test on a computer. That got him through college. It has been a struggle.

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I homeschooled 3 kids. They all did really well. We did phonics and I have a math system I can share.

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The Reading Center, Rochester, mn!

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Teachers can’t teach what they don’t know! Go learn to teach the dyslexic child. Go look up Jane elliott! When you can teach kids to read at or above their grade level, you keep your job!!!

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My brother was dyslexic. Mom learned to teach her third graders to read, at the READING CENTER with Paula Rhome in Rochester, mn. There are reading centers all over this country. Find one and go learn to teach the dyslexic child! I’ve taken the course. There’s a lot of junk included in the basic card pack. I learned so much!

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I can remember we learned to read by the Mae Carden Method.

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I'm a 70 year old man who struggled in North New Jersey schools starting in 1961. This topic is fascinating. I'm grateful for the information.Thank you.

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