Thanks for your commentary. These are my sentiments exactly. As an old guy now who navigated my way out evangelical world as a young man I am astounded by the similarity of your path to my own. You of course were a heir to the throne, I was a nobody, but it's amazing how many of us made that break in the early 80's. And yes, I like many others have been committed to self awareness and service to the greater good.

Particularly raising the next generation in tolerance, keeping an open mind and all the rest.

I'm very optimistic about the future.

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Same for me. I wonder why the early 80's were a crucial time. I have a theory that it's because of the confluence of two factors. One was the fact that evangelicalism and fundamentalism (are they different?) were struggling to defend their positions intellectually. People like Frank's father stepped in to try to do that. The other was that American society was starting to get creaky. Our Constitution was beginning to fail. The Supreme Court was too powerful, and their decision to mandate abortion access gave evangelicals an opportunity to push their principles. I say the SC was too powerful, because in a sensible country, we should be able to pass a law giving women abortion rights. But in America the SC is the arbiter. I think Frank's father would've wanted to use public money to support mothers and their children, but once his movement joined the Republican Party that became impossible.

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Oh Frank, love your optimism, have to say, I'm a bit sceptical, but yes Biden has made a difference. May the US voters yet again see their way clear to voting against the Republicans. Keeping a close watch all the way from Sydney Australia. Whether we like it or not US politics affects the entire world. Keep up the good work.

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Frank, thank you so much for this awesome statement! I have to say I was a little surprised by your optimism. I would like to make just one point. You talked about how you had been part of a hateful evangelical movement. I think it's important to realize your mother and father were trying to work for goodness. They just didn't know how to get to it. You could not be the person you are today without your mother and father.

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